Why subscribe?

I can’t tell you why, but I hope you’ll consider it. Becoming a subscriber means you and I will have a direct line of communication.

With so many voices out there, newsletters, blogs, vlogs, podcasts, media sources, newspapers, TV shows, streaming services, networks, and that’s counting only the legal stuff, why would you subscribe to mine? With everything being so top-heavy these days, Amazon, Netflix, NY Times, Joe Rogan, Medium, the Metaverse, all capturing the lion share of their respective markets, producing algorithmic content that the AI thinks you’ll like and drowning out the little people (perhaps that’s the point?!) - this is the opposite of that.

What this is

‘a secret plot’ is first and foremost an idea. It’s a journal about art, some weird obscure things like dungeon synth, hauntology, digital ghosts, and normal things like politics, culture, and continental philosophy (where Zizek references abound). ‘a secret plot’ is also a contemporary micro art gallery with a focus on the new, the strange and emerging art from within the community where it exists.

What you’ll get

An article or essay about every week or two or three (depending on how busy I am at my day job) directly into your inbox and access to everything in the archive. ‘a secret plot’ is expanding its horizons to include essays by other writers and artists and it takes time to do research and editing. Every time something of mine gets published elsewhere, I will also publish it here, so you won’t need to go and scour the internet.

Who am I?

I’m a painter and installation artist. I’ve shown work throughout the US and Europe and earned my MFA from UC Santa Barbara. I also write art reviews and essays for LUM Art Zine, 3 AM, and The Philosophical Salon among others.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to a secret plot

Critical Theory - Journalism - Art


Painter, Installation Artist, Writer